The Auditorium, Multipurpose hall and Classrooms are thoroughly utilized for curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.
The college has created kiosk amongst lush green trees for recreation of the students.
The details of Physical Infrastructure Facilities:

Ground Floor:
Ground Floor consists of offices of Principal, and Administrative, store room, Staff room for teaching faculty, Multipurpose Hall, three class rooms, Common room for women students, wash rooms for girls and for staff separately..
First Floor
First Floor consists of Biology class room, Maths class room , Art& Culture and social class room , Computer Lab, Telugu class room , English class room , Physics class room with labs ,Psychology lab , well-furnished Library, a spacious Auditorium and wash rooms for men students.
Play Ground

The respective pedagogy subject has a lab with necessary teaching aids that are utilized and maintained by the concerned teacher educator. The staff and student-teachers make use of these amenities for effective teaching-learning of subjects prescribed by the University. Smart room is available for demonstration

The institution is totally technology enabled. There is 24*7 internet and Wi-Fi connection available for the staff and students. There are two Over Head Projectors (OHP), OHP transparent sheets, three portable LCD projectors, two laptops, audio-visual equipment like tape-recorder, television, CDs and DVDs, DVD player, microphones (Collar and wireless), speakers, amplifier, mixer, camera and video camera. All these resources are well utilised to make teaching-learning meaningful.
The Available ICT facilities in the institution are as follows:
College Administrative Office: is furnished with high configured systems (2) with printer (1). The office is well connected with internet and Wi-Fi, and Biometric system to monitor the movement of the staff.

Computer Lab: Well-furnished with 15 systems with high configuration and interactive board with LCD projector and Internet and Wi-Fi Connected.
Educational Technology (ET) Lab: ET lab has one Over Head Projector (OHP), OHP sheets, two portable LCD projectors, one laptop, audio-visual equipment like tape-recorder, television, CDs and DVDs, DVD player, microphones (Collar and wireless), speakers, amplifier, mixer, camera and video camera.
Accessibility: The staff and Student-Teachers have an access to internet and Wi-Fi connection. The staff and student-teachers use the available computers in the institution for curricular and co-curricular activities like power point preparation, seminar and assignments, etc. The staff and student-teachers also use the ET equipment for seminars and for preparing teaching learning materials. The staff avail the ICT facilities to enhance their teaching competencies.
Software: The institution uses predominantly Windows 7 and 8, MS office 2010 and Photoshop .

The library is fully well furnished with huge number of books. The staff and students visit the library as often as possible for reference. The poor student-teachers avail the facility of book bank to borrow books.