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The institution is totally technology enabled. There is 24*7 internet and Wi-Fi connection available for the staff and students. There are two Over Head Projectors (OHP), OHP transparent sheets, three portable LCD projectors, two laptops, audio-visual equipment like tape-recorder, television, CDs and DVDs, DVD player, microphones (Collar and wireless), speakers, amplifier, mixer, camera and video camera. All these resources are well utilised to make teaching-learning meaningful.
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The Available ICT facilities in the institution are as follows:

College Administrative Office: is furnished with high configured systems (2) with printer (1). The office is well connected with internet and Wi-Fi, and Biometric system to monitor the movement of the staff.

Computer Lab:
 Well-furnished with 15 systems with high configuration and interactive board with LCD projector and Internet and Wi-Fi Connected.

Educational Technology (ET) Lab:
ET lab has  one Over Head Projector (OHP), OHP sheets, two portable LCD projectors, one laptop, audio-visual equipment like tape-recorder, television, CDs and DVDs, DVD player, microphones (Collar and wireless), speakers, amplifier, mixer, camera and video camera.

 The staff and Student-Teachers have an access to internet and Wi-Fi connection. The staff and student-teachers use the available computers in the institution for curricular and co-curricular activities like power point preparation, seminar and assignments, etc. The staff and student-teachers also use the ET equipment for seminars and for preparing teaching learning materials. The staff avail the ICT facilities to enhance their teaching competencies.

 The institution uses predominantly Windows 7 and 8, MS office 2010 and Photoshop .

The library is fully well furnished with huge number of books. The staff and students visit the library as often as possible for reference. The poor student-teachers avail the facility of book bank to borrow books.

Library Book Details-2023-2024





Total Number of  Books



Total Number of Title



Reference Books






International Journals



National Journals



Journals Back Volumes (6 years)






Newspapers (Telugu and English)


  1. Library Features
    Question Bank : The librarian takes effort to collate all the question papers of University examinations of previous years and compiles them orderly. The student-teachers have an access to them.

    Newspaper Clippings: The librarian goes through the newspapers and collects relevant news items related to education, employment opportunities, socio-cultural issues, current issues, etc. and displays them on the notice board. She also documents them systematically.

  2. .Library Rules and Regulations
    The college library is the knowledge resource centre of the college. It caters to the needs of the staff and student-teachers. Library is well stocked with text and reference books recommended by Kakatiya University, Warangal. The library has prime sources like journals, magazines, encyclopedias, dictionaries to enhance the knowledge of
    the staff and student-teachers.

    1.  The library will be opened on all working days from 8.00 am –4.30pm.
    2.  Absolute silence should be maintained in and around the library.
     3. Students should register their entry in the gate entry register whenever they access the library.
    4.  Check the condition of books before leaving the counter.
      5.Each student will be provided with two borrower’s tickets, upon which he / she can borrow the library books.
    6.  Students should wrap the books borrowed by them to avoid mutilation and damage.
    7.  Books will be issued to students under a loan for a period of two weeks. Books may be renewed further if not reserved.
    8.  Books must be returned on or before the due date prescribed.
    9.  Loss of any books and borrower’s tickets should be immediately reported to the librarian in the prescribed form available in the library.
    10.  When the book is lost or damaged, the student must replace it with a new copy of the same edition and pay the book cost along with handling cost etc. as applicable.
    11.  Rs. 100/- will be charged towards the loss of a borrower’s ticket.


The student-teachers use the recreational facilities like carom, and chess during lunch break.

  • Arts & Craft Room to keep materials to do Socially Useful Productive Works
  • Sports and Games Room to keep indoor and outdoor sports and games materials.
  • Auditorium to conduct annual cultural extravaganza& Seminar Halls to practise music and dance, mime and skit, etc.
  • Spacious grounds to play outdoor games.
    Wellness clinic to treat ordinary physical ailments like headache, muscles catch, open cuts while playing, cramp, giddiness, etc.